model railroading

CMT Annual Flea Market

Mar 15 (Sun), Calgary, AB
CMT Annual Flea Market, Glenmore Inn, 2720 Glenmore Trail SE (corner of Glenmore Trail & Odgen Road, SE). The Flea Market runs from 8:30 to 10:30. Time to start putting aside those items you no longer need so that you can buy more stuff that you do need! Tables are $20 each, half tables can be booked for $10. To book a table contact Brookes Harrow at bharrow [at] or 403-201-4937.

CMRS Spring Mini-Meet

Mar 15 (Sun), Calgary, AB
CMRS Spring Mini-meet follows the CMT Flea Market at 11:00 at the Glenmore Inn with several clinics lined up, along with Show and Tell.

WIllamette Model Railroad Club Swap Meet

Mar 14 (Sat), Portland, OR
WIllamette Model Railroad Club Swap Meet 9:30 am to 3 pm at the W.D. Jackson Armory 6255 NE Cornfoot Rd. Portland, OR 97218. Over 115 tables of Model Railroad equipment in all Scales, Railroad Memorabilia, Books, Photos and More. Admission $5.00, under 12 free. Free parking. Info: Brigg Franklin wmrcswapmeet [at] (360) 241-5908.

Railroad Prototype Modelers Meet

Mar 13-14, Calgary, AB
Railroad Prototype Modelers Meet, St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 703 Heritage Drive SW. Friday 7 pm - 9 pm - Slide Night, with an emphasis on subjects you can model. Bring some slides or digital images to show; Saturday 10 am - 4 pm - Show and Tell to share modeling ideas, four clinics, draw tickets for displaying your models. Door Prizes! Entry for all sessions is $10 Info: - Dave Audley, 403-275-1869 daudley [at]


Mar 8 (Sun), Spokane, WA

River City Modelers Open House

Mar 7-8, Spokane, WA
River City Modelers open house, 1130 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane, WA 99202. Visit the River City Western HO scale model train layout. The 45 x 40 ft. the two-level layout is a work in progress. Much of the scenery is completed, track work is mainly done and details are being worked on. There are approximately 19 scale miles of mainline track. Open from 4 to 8 PM on Saturday and Noon to 4 PM on Sunday. Contact 509-535-3462 for more information.

Postponed till 2011: NCR 2020 Convention


Oct. 15-18, 2020

Radisson Hotel at the University of Toledo
3100 Glendale Avenue, Toledo, Ohio 43614


Hosted by the Black Swamp Division

Join us in Toledo Ohio as we celebrate the enjoyment of Model Railroading. Toledo has a long and strong history of railroading, being served by 20+ railroads during the 20th century. The theme for this year's convention is Rail Marine to coincide with Toledo's historical role as a major port on the great lakes.

Canceled: Midwest Region Convention-Peoria Rocket 2020

Canceled!!! For your safety against the COVID-19 virus, the Executive Committee canceled the 2020 convention. Be safe!


Welcome Aboard on the Peoria Rocket, the 2020 Convention of the NMRA Midwest Region! The Convention is jointly hosted by the Illinois Valley Division and the Illinois Terminal Division. Settle in, and enjoy the journey.

Many aspects of the Convention are still in development, but updates will be posted as soon as they are confirmed. Please check back often for the latest news on the Peoria Rocket 2020.
