model railroading

33rd Annual Tallahassee Model Railroad Show and Sale

  • Start:  Saturday, June 22, 2024,    9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • End:   Sunday, June 23, 2024,      9:00 AM to 4:00 PM


  • Location: North Florida Fair, 441 Paul Russell Rd. Tallahassee Fl.

The 33rd Annual Tallahassee Model Railroad Show & Sale is a family-friendly 2-day event of interest to model railroaders of all ages and skill levels. Shop our vendors for trains, accessories, collectibles, or clothing & visit various operating train layouts.


NMRA Sunshine Region Western Division Spring Workshop

Hosted by: Scale Rails of Southwest Florida,

Location:  Scale Rails of SW Florida Depot, 1262 Piney Road, N Fort Myers, Fl. 33903

Date: Saturday, March 23, 2024

Time: 9:30 am to 3 pm

Admission: $20.00 Includes:

Meet and greet with coffee/doughnuts.

Pacific Northwest Regional Convention - Surrey Excursion 2024, 7th Division

Welcome to the Pacific Northwest Regional Convention - Surrey Excursion 2024, 7th Division.

The Seventh Division Host Committee hopes to see familiar and several new faces in Surrey, BC, May 22-26.

There are many things to do and see in the Surrey and surrounding areas. Please take advantage of the Convention rate before and/or after to stay at the hotel and see some of our wonderful provinces as well as the Lower Mainland and Greater Vancouver.

2024 Midwest Region LARGE Scale Train Show

Free Admission

Location: Entertrainment Junction, 7379 Squire Court, West Chester, Ohio 45069

Happing at Show

  • There will be vendors
  • Live Steam Module Setup
  • Clinics on battery power and weathering basics
  • Raffles Every Hour

Watch for Updates at:

The South-Central Wisconsin Division, NMRA Meet

Wisconsin, Madison - The South-Central Wisconsin Division, NMRA Meet, February 4 and March 3. Activities include clinics, model and photo contests, refreshments, and home layout viewing following the meeting. April 7 activities include an annual, long-term modeling contest with judging; Annual SCWD Meeting & Board Member Election; refreshments; and clinics. May 5 Combined Meet with the Rock River Valley Division. Attractions include clinics, model and photo contests, refreshments, and home layout viewing following the meeting. Verona Senior Center, 108 Paoli St., Verona,. 1-4.

The South-Central Wisconsin Division, NMRA Meet

Wisconsin, Madison - The South-Central Wisconsin Division, NMRA Meet, February 4 and March 3. Activities include clinics, model and photo contests, refreshments, and home layout viewing following the meeting. April 7 activities include an annual, long-term modeling contest with judging; Annual SCWD Meeting & Board Member Election; refreshments; and clinics. May 5 Combined Meet with the Rock River Valley Division. Attractions include clinics, model and photo contests, refreshments, and home layout viewing following the meeting. Verona Senior Center, 108 Paoli St., Verona,. 1-4.

The South-Central Wisconsin Division, NMRA Meet

Wisconsin, Madison - The South-Central Wisconsin Division, NMRA Meet, February 4 and March 3. Activities include clinics, model and photo contests, refreshments, and home layout viewing following the meeting. April 7 activities include an annual, long-term modeling contest with judging; Annual SCWD Meeting & Board Member Election; refreshments; and clinics. May 5 Combined Meet with the Rock River Valley Division. Attractions include clinics, model and photo contests, refreshments, and home layout viewing following the meeting. Verona Senior Center, 108 Paoli St., Verona,. 1-4.

The South-Central Wisconsin Division, NMRA Meet

Wisconsin, Madison - The South-Central Wisconsin Division, NMRA Meet, Feb. 4 and March 3. Activities include clinics, model and photo contests, refreshments, and home layout viewing following the meeting. April 7 activities include an annual, long-term modeling contest with judging; Annual SCWD Meeting & Board Member Election; refreshments; and clinics. May 5 Combined Meet with the Rock River Valley Division. Attractions include clinics, model and photo contests, refreshments, and home layout viewing following the meeting. Verona Senior Center, 108 Paoli St., Verona,. 1-4.

Spokan Washington Train Show

Washington, Spokane - SPOKANE TRAIN SHOW - Sponsored by the River City Modelers March 3, SPOKANE County Fair & Expo Center, Ag A, B, & C Buildings, 404 N. Havana St. 9:30 -3:30, $8 Admission cash - 12 & UNDER FREE. Over 200 tables of railroad related items for sale - model & toy trains, photographs, books, toy autos & trucks, bridges & buildings. Train memorabilia - old lanterns. signs, China, linen, switch locks & keys & more. Several operating train layouts in N, HO & O scale. A large HO and N Scale Free-MO setup running and Operation Lifesaver.

CRMHA’s 2024 Model Train Expo

South Carolina, Easley - CRMHA's 2024 Model Train Expo returns Friday & Saturday, February 16-17 (the weekend after the Super Bowl). Great operating layouts and exhibits; 160+ Dealer tables; Kids Zone featuring Thomas the Tank and Brio. $8 adult admission is good on both days. Children FREE. For info & updates, visit or contact Sandy Eustis at seustis13 [at]
