
First Annual Holiday Open House by Texas Western Model Railroad Club

For more information and any changes, open these:



                  http://images.clipartpanda.com/religious-christmas-clipart-9TRRAd5Te.jpe... LOCOMOTIVES IN ACTION AS THEY WIND THEIR

Model and Toy Train Show by Grande Pacific Railroad

We will have Jim Lofland's engines and cars there for sale.  Please come. 

For more information and any changes, open this: www.grandepacificrailroad.com

NMRAx Quarterly Convention, April 22nd

NMRAx Quarterly Convention: 8 new Clinics! 

From 10 am ET, till 2 pm, a small break and again 5 pm till 9 pm. 8 clinics, with breakout rooms to dicuss the clinic with the clinician after each clinic.

Live on the NMRA Facebook grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/nmragroup/

NMRAx Quarterly Convention, January 14th

NMRAx Quarterly Convention: 8 new Clinics! 

From 10 am EST, till 2 pm, a small break and again 5 pm till 9 pm. 8 clinics, with breakout rooms to dicuss the clinic with the clinician after each clinic.

Live on the NMRA Facebook grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/nmragroup/

NMRAx Quarterly Convention, October 22nd

NMRAx Quarterly Convention: 8 new Clinics! 

From 10 am EST, till 2 pm, a small break and again 5 pm till 9 pm. 8 clinics, with breakout rooms to dicuss the clinic with the clinician after each clinic.

Live on the NMRA Facebook grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/nmragroup/

Southwest O Scale Meet

For current updates and any changes, open this link: htpp://www.oscalesw.com

LSR Division 6 Meeting (South Texas Division)

For current updates and any changes, Contact:  Don Winn:  donswinn [at] gmail.com

Meet at Longhorn Cafe, 12311 Nacogdoches Rd, San Antonio, TX

Greater Houston Train Show

For more information and any changes, open this: http://sanjacmodeltrains.org/GHTS.php
