
Harrison Veteran's Train Show in Ohio

Please see Facebook for details & registration:

Location: VFW Post 7570 located at 9160 Lawrenceburg Rd Harrison, OH


Great Scale Model Train and Railroad Collectors Shows & Railroad Marketplace

Additional information at

Visitors: Take your magical excursion into miniature worlds which show life as it was, as it is, or as it could be. Fantastical, exquisite layouts built by skilled modelers will transport you to times and places you'll enjoy and remember. An ideal outing for families, individuals or couples looking for a unique and memorable diversion. Bring your camera.

2200 York Road, Timonium MD, 21093

Excursion on The Railroad Explorer II at Reading & Northern RR Port Clinton, PA.

Additional information at
Questions? Please contact Kermit Geary KGJR1554 [at] 

O Scale National Convention Returning to Denver, Colorado June 8-11, 2023 O Scale National Convention

For more information and any changes, open the Convention website:

For details on the cars, contests, and clinics, go to Registration for the event remains the same at $45. The Hyatt has a special rate during the convention. To obtain this rate, go to


NERx 2023

NERx is returning for its annual virtual engagement on March 20-23 on YouTube and Facebook from 6:30-10:30 PM Eastern Time all four evenings. The YouTube link is included with this event.  
Produced by the NMRA Northeastern Region and NMRAx team, each evening will be filled with clinics, layout tours, roundtable discussions, tips 'n tricks, and the model showcase.  Circle the dates, set your alarm, and join us! 
Also, visit the website to keep up to date at:

Modelling Day by Dartmouth Model Railway Club

703 Main St, Dartmouth, NS B2W 3T6, Canada

Please see Facebook for details & registration:


Cambridge Ohio - Fifth Annual NMRA Buckeye Division Train Show

For more information and any changes, open this:

Sunday, October 22, 2023, 10 am - 3 pm at the Pritchart Laughlin Center, 7033 Glenn Hwy, Cambridge, OH 43725. 

Approximately 10,000 sq ft available for vendors, operating trains, free parking, wheelchair accessible, easy access from I-70 or I-77 in historic Cambridge.
