We are looking for a few good layouts...twelve, to be exact

You’re proud of your model railroad. Why not share it by submitting a photo or two for the 2024 edition of the NMRA Model Railroad Calendar?

The calendar is distributed to every U.S. member as a fundraising project. To have your layout photo considered for inclusion, just follow these easy steps:
- Take a horizontal (landscape) format photo of your layout.
- Submit your photo as a digital file. Files must be at least 300 pixels per inch and 8” x 12” (minimum size of 8.6 megapixels – larger is better). Accepted file types are tiff (preferred) or jpg (highest quality only).
- Write a caption describing the action in your shot, the scale, the builder, and the photographer. Include that information as a text or .doc file.
- Be sure to include your name, address, phone number, and email with your submission.
- Please limit your entries to no more than your four best scenes.
- Submit your photo and text files for free at: www.wetransfer.com (no account needed) and let wetransfer send the files to scwd.email [at] gmail.com.
- You will receive an email confirming a successful upload.

- By submitting images for the NMRA Calendar, you are giving permission to the editors to alter them as needed (cropping, smoke and lighting effects, etc._
- Please indicate specifically if you do NOT give permission to alter your images.

Photos must be received by July 15, 2024

Time Period: 
Friday, February 3, 2023