United States

Georgia, Atlanta—Piedmont Division Monthly Meeting

For more information and any changes, open this: (http://www.piedmont-div.org)

Georgia, Atlanta—Piedmont Division Monthly Meeting

For more information and any changes, open this: (http://www.piedmont-div.org)


Second Annual O Scale Invitational

For more information and any changes, open this: (contact Stephen Pariseau (561-222-3908) or sdpariseau [at] gmail.com (e-mail ) or Walter Horlacher at horlacherw [at] bellsouth.net)

Inverness—Sunshine Region-Western Division Joint Winter Workshop

For more information and any changes, open this: (jnr [at] tampabay.rr.com (Email ) Also check the Sunshine Region's website: www.sunshineregion.org for additional info)

Colorado, Denver—Rocky Mountain Train Show

For more information and any changes, open this: (www.RockyMountainTrainShow.com)

Golden Empire Historical & Modeling Society’s 29th Annual Model Railroad Show & Sale

For more information and any changes, open this: (Kevin4strings [at] gmail.comwww.gehams.club)

NMRAx Quarterly Convention, April 23rd.

NMRAx Quarterly Convention: 8 new Clinics! 

From 10 am EST, till 2 pm, a small break and again 5 pm till 9 pm. 8 clinics, with breakout rooms to dicuss the clinic with the clinician after each clinic.

Live on the NMRA Facebook grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/nmragroup/
