United States

Swap Meet & Open House, Santa Susana Railroad Historical Society

California, Simi Valley--Swap Meet & Open House, Santa Susana Railroad Historical Society. Santa Susana Park, 6503 Katherine Rd. March 23. Swap Meet 8-11 am, Open House 11-4. Entrance $2 donation, kids under 12 free. All scales, equipment, scenery, books, and photos. Vendor Information: Tables in park pavilion limited (26x120" + 2 bench seats) reserved for sale or trade model railroad-related items with advance payment ($15 ea) 1st-come, 1st-served. Spaces on volleyball court (you supply table) adjacent to pavilion $12 ea.

2024 Lawrence Train Show

The Lawrence Model Railroad Club will be back in the used car kingdom for our next train show on March 2nd and 3rd, 2024.

For more current up-to-date information, open this link:http://www.lawrencemodelrailroadclub.org/TrainShow.html


Crown Toyota Used Car Kingdom, 3400 Iowa, Lawrence


Adults $8.00. Children 12 and under are free with paid adult. Bring a canned food donation for LINK and receive $2.00 off admission.

1st Annual Spring Train Show - Covington - Louisiana

  • 9a-4pm March 30th, 2024
  • American Legion Hall Post 16, 2031 Ronald Regan Highway Covington, LA 
  • Diorama contest
  • Operating Train Layouts 
  • 25 tables of trains and railroad-related items for sale
  • For more information, contact therailroadyard [at] yahoo.com

The Great Falls Model RR Club Train Show

Location: Mt. Ararat High School, 68 Eagles Way, Topsham, ME, 04086

The event will feature:

  • Vendors selling new and used model railroad equipment
  • Books and more
  • Operating Displays
  • Food and more!

Update Information Open This Link: https://www.greatfallsmodelrrclub.org/train-shows/2024-spring-train-show/

Women in Model Railroading WIMRR Zoom


Here is the link for the Second Friday of each month's Zoom Hangout:

Women in Model Railroading WIMRR Zoom


Here is the link for the Second Friday of each month's Zoom Hangout:

Women in Model Railroading WIMRR Zoom


Here is the link for the Second Friday of each month's Zoom Hangout:

Meeting ID: 865 2038 0595

Women in Model Railroading WIMRR Zoom


Here is the link for the Second Friday of each month's Zoom Hangout:

Women in Model Railroading WIMRR Zoom


Here is the link for the Second Friday of each month's Zoom Hangout:

Women in Model Railroading WIMRR Zoom


Here is the link for the Second Friday of each month's Zoom Hangout:
